2022- Year Of Light &Glory

Hello Westhill! Happy New Year!

And we are already a couple of weeks past the first month! How time does fly! Time, that precious and very limited resource we have on this side of eternity. 12 hours in the day; seven days of the week; 365 days and 52 weeks of every year. Limited. Finite. Sparse. Which is one more reason to make the very most of every opportunity we have in this life- with our children, our parents, loved ones, our neighbors, and our friends. Events of the last two years have brought to the fore, the fleeting nature of life; its pleasures and much of what we treasure about it. Many of us are waking up to this truth and adjusting our values accordingly. Others, still need some help with such a paradigm shift. All in all, deep existential questions are being pondered more and more, not just by the ailing and the dying, but by the young and strong; the aging, the rich, and the poor. Whether obviously or sublimely, the search for meaning continues.

At Vinespring Church, we have continued this exploration through the words of that ancient and eternal book- the Bible. We have come to believe and accept that life’s true worth is found in a surrendered relationship with Christ, who is the author of life itself. He is a faithful anchor through the boisterous storms that the world has been enduring, and a guiding light through the darkness and confusion all around us. We have tested God’s promises and examined His instructions. And we have found them to be true to our deepest needs, helpful for our highest aspirations, and necessary for our sustained victory in the battles of this life.  God is good. And He means no evil for anyone. Rather He has put a plan in place for our rescue, redemption and restoration. That plan was unfolded in His Son Jesus Christ, when He died on the cross of calvary for the sins of everyone; with a promise of eternal life for all who will trust in Him and repent of their sins. He promises not only to save, but to guide. Hence why the Psalmist declared,

‘The Lord is my light and my salvation—
    whom shall I fear?’ – Psalm 27:1 NIV

This scripture has never been more needed than at such a time as we are now in. A time of great fear, confusion and worry for many. The scripture is also the basis of our theme this year at Vinespring Church. It is our year of ‘Light and Glory’, and throughout this year, we will be open to His light, His exposure, His divine development of our character, our faith and our walk with Him. Until we fully turn the page on every fear, anxiety and doubt, by the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s a process that we are willing to submit to because of the incomparable riches of the reward He offers. Clarity, confidence, and Peace that passes human comprehension; regardless of the storms, uncertainties, and darkness we may be facing. In the search for meaning, these are definitely worth pursuing and worth holding on to.

For anyone who may feel like they are in a flux right now, and needing some assurance of something strong and stable. God is. Feel free to reach out, or to come along to any of our meetings on Sundays at the Holiday Inn Hotel or Wednesday via Zoom. For details please visit www.vinespringchurch.co.uk . Or follow us on social media at facebook.com/vinespringchurch. It would be our pleasure and privilege to journey alongside you till faith and light dawns.

Once again, happy new year. And make every moment count.


Team Vinespring.


Merry Christmas Everyone!!!


Crossover With Vinespring Church